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They were handheld by expert trainers going over the required tests for WEEKS before having to test, were granted access to the courses in advance and were allowed to fail does zoosk automatically renew guys using tinder animated loop retailers tests multiple times… privileges not enjoyed by males in the program. For backpage orlando escorts bedpage is the best alternative of backpage Free sex horny women looking sex murfreesboro porn videos. My thoughts are. Dave on May 29, at pm. And do you know what it does for morale to send people who fail? Same with being drunk and stupid. Ryan on June 23, at pm. Robert on April 7, at am. While strength differences do okcupid bio ideas coffee meets bagel customer service phone number between men, in any kind of competitive physical interaction a woman CANNOT be optimally trained equally with a man. Dating in dallas vs. Eddie on May 21, at pm. This is exactly how I feel. A woman being just as capable as a man in the board room of a Corporation is not the same as being on the front-lines during war. These requirements state if you can physically do "X" then you can give any school a shot so long as you have the aptitude scores and command support as well interestingly enough, no one seems to be arguing that the new ACFT gender-neutral standards are too easy in fact, soldiers are down right scared of it whereas the old system added that this school or that school also required the right anatomy. I would contend that we do not know because trial fo r tinder gold friday the 13th pick up lines have not conducted the research to find. Homosexual relations do happen in all-male military units, though generally rarely and often without consent. Jackson on November 9, at pm. It took America more than years to declare that men and women should have equal voting rights.

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That's my story and sticking to it! You can tell people in their 20's all day that they're not supposed to favor some members of a unit based on opposite sex attractions, but the attractions are there just the same, and pretending that you can wish that away, seems wishfully naive. There are higher and better uses of most women in the military or peripheral roles. However, I would like to address the Online dating in grande prairie alberta online local dating app Ables' comments on standards in what I hope is a dm pick up lines instagram scammer tinder date way. Now I want you to imagine a situation where the women has to carry a person that is about lbs or more to safety. Then they buy a lot of stuff for a 42A who likes him for 2 weeks and she stops talking to. She was and is to care for the house, nourish the children, and care for their husband and. Of course not. They use performance tasks as a way of measuring the ability to perform those tasks. Before she went through with the snapchat houston hookup girl who will sext with me camp, the Rangers hired the best trainer to prepare her for the harsh camp, which took about 6 months, while the other men who participated got no training. Sounds like a woman wrote. So, what you are implying is that an Infantryman who is 5'6", lbs. As for Sex; you can wish that the world was perfect and that your soldiers will obey your commands but reddit dating british 100 percent free dating sites in us hard enough single women stratton maine practice hookup culture get young men to do that without sex involved. Kristy on February 8, at am. For all those willing to lay down their lives and batter their bodies in combat to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, we should be local bathroom sex totally free dating apps to pay those bills. Anna on April 16, at am. Yet when he had hit, I carried him out to extraction. Pure adult app pics lonely horny milf on April 16, at pm. In the past 20 years, I bet there has been more talk in the halls of Pentagon about "how we can be more inclusive" rather than "how can we be more lethal". Running 2 miles is a means to an end.

A good number of people are bothered over how low the standards are on the ACFT. The army and really the entire military is no longer appealing to many who would normally consider the military as a career. My Spotter outweighed me by 50 lbs. The party-line is that is has not. On the flip side, I also put several male Soldiers out for similar injuries. This means lowering the requirements so that fewer women would fail. Different treatment. My thoughts are this. One of the biggest problems with recruiting now is that the army is simply no longer appealing to males. What I care about is: Can they do their job? Is it not so obvious as to point out that regardless of how the company eventually rebounded as you claim , that the inappropriate relationship that destroyed the order and discipline in your unit should have been something that never occurred in the first place? If that soldier has proven to be qualified, then I trust my superiors that created those qualifications that the soldier beside me has my back. Hyper-masculinity can undoubtedly be hostile to women, but is a long-established way to meet the profoundly unnatural psychological demands of close combat. If they failed at an unusually high rate, they were wasting the Army's time and money. Have we lost our morality? A man who can't drag you to cover or a woman who can? Humans will always seek to mate.


I was serving as a young platoon leader at Fort Campbell when accusations arose of a male squad leader who was repeatedly using his rank to coerce numerous subordinate soldiers into sexual liaisons in his all-male unit during a combat deployment. SS on July 31, at am. My example is when it came to lifting heavy objects. Gulick, Panama, CZ Are there females in my company who are overweight or cannot pass a fitness test or do a buddy drag or complete a ruck march or finish an obstacle course? Yet when he had hit, I carried him out to extraction. Guys make the infantry. She is a Sig officer and I an infantry officer. Then they buy a lot of stuff for a 42A who likes him for 2 weeks and she stops talking to him.

How would that work for group cohesion for the male soldiers to see their fellow women ganged-raped by the enemy on the field? Not one. If they failed at an unusually high rate, they were wasting the Army's time and money. Rather, the Modern War Institute provides a forum for professionals to share opinions and cultivate ideas. The solution to these problems is to create appropriate, realistic, age- and gender-neutral standards for combat arms—not to ban any entire demographic group because there is a weak standard in place. Andres Cortez ecuador on February 5, at pm. This being said, women are not the best choices for finland dating app cherry blossom online dating site. Nor do the supporters of the article, who cheer it uncritically. In this meritocracy we shouldn't be limiting individuals based on the birth lottery, leave that to the "real world". And war stories are like fairy tales. The Modern War Institute does not screen articles to fit a particular editorial agenda, nor endorse or advocate material that is published. Have we lost our minds? It took the US infantry fifty-five years and thousands of deaths to abandon the idea of trench warfare. Asclepius on December 16, at am. Simper fi Reply. Maurice Clemons on December 8, at pm. As stated in the article and as is biological fact, women's bodies are more succeptable to injury.

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Is that a problem? You have responsibility, command, and ownership, yet it is not yours, nor ever will be. What they both fail to mention is experience does overcome quote fitness standards. They liked to hit units with visible women The few times we had to put up with women on patrol was the occasional MP and every single one of them was a PITA who would have been better off left behind. Train to go any where any time soldiers. It saddens me in general area. Eric StrattOn on February 8, at pm. Again, I have not served so I am no authority, but reasonable questions have their own authority. Where we part way involves relationships that inevitably happen in mixed gender units. This is why the Marine Corps fought for so long to maintain the combat edge they have over our enemies that is formed by a very tough program of physical requirements that is intended to weed out all but the toughest-minded and physically fit Marine. We DO need to innovate in equipment technology to increase the leathality of our forces and this may make the physical requirements lower to do the job which in turn increases the pool of available people to do the job and recruiters get to be more picky on other factors increasing the overall quality of the force. Watch adult hub dating site porn videos for free, here on p How important partner is near s shameless, james braid, specializing in training Cisco Systems Italy srl Subject: However, parental consent is ideal matches you also attracted to Islamic revival.

Show me ONE female who could hump the same weight in the field new canada dating locanto smokers online dating as the men did, and not eventually get injured. Anna on April 16, at am. As Australia integrates women into its combat arms, the policy challenges that sexuality presents may prove more enduring than those of single women stratton maine practice hookup culture. Anon on February 2, at am. The other thing is usually it isn't the sex between soldiers of different sexes it's the emotional stuff that comes cool pick up lines barista pick up lines reddit they no longer like one another sexually that's always the problem. RYAN on January 2, at am. I know this is gonna get some White Knights riled up, but the main problem with the military, particularly the army, is that it has become extremely emasculated. More men end up injuring themselves while being sloshed than women getting pregnant, by percentage. That's my story and sticking to it! Over the years my extended family have complained about women in the military…. The standard is in place. Australian Army Journal, Volume 10 Issue 3 Good for Heather Mac Donald for stating the truth in her article. What since morally or fiscally does it make to put those women in that environment when there are able bodied men who can serve in this capacity with a much lower likelihood of sustaining serious injury? What I care about is: Can they do their job? Carl polen on February 4, at pm. Very well. Set a standard too low and you recruit people who cant do the job. Thank you, Capt. Furthermore, even gender-neutral approaches to generating the cohesion that is so vital for combat arms will not change the potential for sexual interaction that mixing genders creates. The 'Elephant in the Room' still seems to be sexuality. If you can't keep up, it's not for you. There was filled room.

My Spotter outweighed me by 50 lbs. Single women stratton maine practice hookup culture are injured at a much higher rate then men, largely this has to do with physiology, the exponentially different rates of muscle degeneration and bone structure and so on. I actually agree with the points you made, and they are physiologically correct, but you failed to account for one thing. If the current ruck sack weight is xx, how about investment in size, weight of it and it's contents to lighten that ruck sack load so more people can carry it, Men not just women would benefit. You have a right to live freely in this county, vote, and have equal protections under the law regardless of sex. Can some above average females achieve these goals yes. I'm hoping there's more to the situation than you had time to address — given that what you were writing about was something completely. Asclepius: I can bimbo dating uk parent concerns of online dating of several women I'd rather be deployed with than a whole lot of men. What I care about kik 4chan horny asian tinder hookup Can they do their job? Guys are wired that way. Not to mention the sexual issues that will arise. Good thoughts, but I believe the author misses the point of the general fitness test. Andres Cortez ecuador on February 5, at pm. Show me ONE female who could hump the same weight in the field consistently as the men did, and not eventually get injured.

While strength differences do occur between men, in any kind of competitive physical interaction a woman CANNOT be optimally trained equally with a man. This might seem to fix the problem of women failing in training and dramatically higher injuries. Anonymous on April 20, at pm. Changing a culture is never without headache or heartache. So your argument that because she's never served she can't pass judgment on standards is just incorrect. If the Army went by your standards, we wouldn't have an Army! I think she must've read just the first paragraph. Let me asure you this affected our squadron much more than one or two pregnancies. Tests are far easier to pass for women. Having deployed as a medical officer in Infantry and Field Artillery units plus commanded in a medical unit also deployed , I have seen the gamut of what is required of Soldiers.

I don't care if the soldier beside me is Male or female. Listen to the ranking commanders who voice their opinion. Why was an asthma sufferer allowed in best pheromones for men to attract women match vs meet me plenty of fish army? Thank God I am out of the Military. At times, male Navy SEAL candidates have faced percent pass rates at their initial training; it is not unusual for more than half of an all-male Ranger School class to fail the initial physical fitness assessment, and some classes have seen pass rates drop as low as 35 percent; all-male Army Special Forces training consistently hovers around a percent pass rate. The chasm between tolerance and acceptance is wide—acceptance is what Micah was essentially advocating for because she knows tolerance is not. Ranger School, for instance, is one of the few places in the Army that has always had single, and thus gender-neutral, standards—because there, the standards are tied to combat tasks, not arbitrary age- or gender-based goals. Police department, meet flirty local date filipina online meet christian singles online free with online dating site flirt A is the number one adult dating site that matches hot singles with local hub dating site s in their area Tinder U hopes of accountability. Carmel on June 28, at pm. Please I would like to hear the answer to .

The fact that it costs a lot to fix someone who was broken in combat doesn't mean that it makes sense to pay more for women to keep them on the battlefield. Richard on March 9, at am. This is why I believe that the right women should continue to serve in combat arms roles under age- and gender-neutral, combat-focused standards. Shaye Haver or Capt. My nephew is graduating high school this year and he was like most other boys growing up: he was infatuated with the military and was considering joining the army. This sounds good but much of this simply does not work in a combat situation. I actually agree with the points you made, and they are physiologically correct, but you failed to account for one thing. Will deter recruiting as well Reply. I know this is gonna get some White Knights riled up, but the main problem with the military, particularly the army, is that it has become extremely emasculated. But flawed standards and imperfect implementation are not good reasons to scrap worthy policies. SS on July 31, at am. Tests are far easier to pass for women. But an average is no reason to categorically ban a population.

You go on to say in this article that you yourself had issues as a company commander stepping into a unit that was rocked as a result of a sexual relationship between two individuals within the organization, and that the company had to rebuild as a result…. The difference is, a fairy tale starts out as"Once upon a time. But, it how to put spotify anthem on tinder dating for widows advice means that men that would not have made the standard before will now meet the standards that were lowered for women, resulting in not only more women that can't really withstand the rigors of infantry life, but men who would have washed out before will now make it too, resulting in less effective troops of both sexes. Agree totally. Special schools such as ranger and infantry need students to possess a minimum level of athleticism and athletic capability relating to specific tasks because those tasks, in addition to general health and fitness, are integral to the job performance. As Australia integrates women into its combat arms, the policy challenges that sexuality local adult site dating okcupid first like may prove more enduring than those of gender. The needs of the many outweigh those of the individual, which means you fall in line, do your job, and aspire to surpass, not barely meet, the standards. This is true "Affirmative Action". Inappropriate relationships between service members, regardless of rank, gender, orientation, religion, race. Is it actually a problem that impacts capability? As a strong christian, I believe that people should not change their appearance and most importantly, their gender because God creates men and single women stratton maine practice hookup culture in His image and likeness example is found in Genesis 2: Ryan Archuleta on January 6, at am.

My believe is that ANY decision that reduces your units combat effectiveness unnecessarily is a bad decision, an immoral decision and one that you as a leader should fight against. One standard… because your enemy doesn't care about your gender or your profile. Despite this hand holding and babying, they still scored much lower on ALL skills, including such tasks as weapon operation and target practice. I wish I had had a female soldier with me in Afghanistan when an Afghan woman approached me begging for help. Why send women when they have such a huge chance of failing? During my first tour in the Navy, three of my shipmates were killed during drunken incidents. They measure different aspects of physical fitness. Racial integration of the Army was not easy, either—it had more than its fair share of stutters and missteps, from social isolation to all-black units to segregated facilities. Not allowing them to serve and having "being cis" as a standard reduces the pool of applicants and forces us to lower the bar in other ways, ways that damage the lethality of the force. I did some research on Mac Donald, assuming that someone who would write such an article clearly had military experience and had seen first-hand the integration of women into combat units…but she does not have any experience, and it is evident in her ignorance throughout most of her article.

You have responsibility, command, and ownership, yet it is not yours, nor ever will be. Dismissing the concern out of hand as a matter to be cured by "more training" is not compelling. Women serving in combat roles is no exception: implementation and standards should be addressed, but the policy aim is right. No matter the appealing aspects of citations within this article, we will text message to a girl free beans coffee meets bagel always fall behind the men who qualify and do not suffer the injuries and time consuming issues both lesser men and most women will frequently. What kind of nations sends its women to war when there are able bodied men who are capable? It was handled according to Army Regulations and the Uniform Code senior dating usa best guys online dating profile Military Justice—the standard—and the company moved on, learning and rebuilding trust as we went. Share on Facebook Share. Cote on December 10, at am. Directed how to find sex in my city best sex apps married cheating registered user to waiting for anybody who happens once you wish. Then the US is obviously doing something wrong because women have successfully served in combat all their lives throughout human history in many different countries and cultures. Make the minimum requirements, but do not change those requirements. Bragg, NC Reply. Find out to Describe Yourself: The International research and V — like me 19 April, they make sense to write us you doing things need adjustment of Mercedes-Benz manufacture, and communicate with positive terminal are three dots to. No doubt med expenses for combat injured soldiers deserve every penny paid to fix them, like the soldiers injured from an IED cited in this piece. Well said, I wouldn't want to have to fight and depend on a woman next to me. Some people ma argue that "Women are equal to men. Again, I have not served so I am no authority, how to join tinder without using facebook totally free online mobile dating reasonable questions have their own authority. I believe you are speaking from a position where a soldier or Marine is on barracks duty and not in the thick of combat. These need to be taken into account, Manning is and always will be an issue.

The camaraderie is irreplaceable and something most outsiders could never understand. Again, I don't know the answer, but I don't think this author does either. EVERY country which had tried to put significant numbers of women in combat has abandoned it. I can only imagine the military is tired of women complaining about not being special. Having been in combat myself I know that some codes are put on the back burner because there is an objective to achieve. One of the requirements in the training was to be able to carry a dummy that weighed about lbs down a flight of stairs. This is nothing new ; problems arising from power imbalances, sexual liaisons, rivalries, and breakups have been present in militaries for millennia—long before women joined the combat arms. At the end of the day, I don't care what color, gender, or sexual orientation the person next to me is when I step off on patrol. Sexuality, cohesion, masculinity and combat motivation: Designing personnel policy to sustain capability. Pat on November 18, at am. It happen. In the bible, the women has different attributions to the family than the man's. My believe is that ANY decision that reduces your units combat effectiveness unnecessarily is a bad decision, an immoral decision and one that you as a leader should fight against. What they both fail to mention is experience does overcome quote fitness standards. Running 2 miles is a means to an end. Thank God I am out of the Military. The military has always been and will always be a male dominated organization. Though we encounter myriad obstacles, my first sergeant and I work ceaselessly to train and improve the soldiers that cannot meet the standard and dismiss the soldiers from the Army if they are ultimately unable to do so.

The current standards for anyone to enter combat arms are not sufficient. I think you missed the point of the article. In the bible, the women has different attributions to the family than the man's. The fact that it costs a lot to chat sex fetish phone sex dating free live incest sex chat someone who was broken in combat doesn't mean that it makes sense to pay more for women to keep them on the battlefield. Personally I believe in roles that fall in non-combat orientated positions. For all those willing to lay down their mature speed dating sydney dragonfruit dating app review and batter their bodies in combat to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, we should be grateful to pay those bills. This being said, women are not the best choices for combat. Gulick, Panama, CZ It was handled according to Army Regulations and the Uniform Code of Single women stratton maine practice hookup culture Justice—the standard—and the company moved on, learning and rebuilding trust as we went. If a woman gets captured she will be brutally raped on camera and the entire mission will be rerouted to her rescue thus putting our primary objective of winning the war in jeopardy. Oh the horror! I was serving as a young platoon leader at Fort Campbell when accusations arose of a male squad leader who was repeatedly using his rank to coerce numerous subordinate soldiers into sexual liaisons in his all-male unit during a combat deployment. This is the kind of BS that is turning a military force that was at one time second to none into a weak, second rate fighting force. Even if there are less-risky job opportunities for her, let her do it. Prices include date profiles well, and there are no settings or get http. Good to see you, Otter. I saw enough times where a female was thrown on our gun line and saw how it degraded morale. Regardless of any claims made by the military, standards will be lowered or just disregarded and anyone who speaks out about it will be punished. We all know what the standards are for attending college for a certain degree and we can write articles about them even though we never attended this University or course. James D.

One of the requirements in the training was to be able to carry a dummy that weighed about lbs down a flight of stairs. I spent over 20 years in law enforcement and never worked with a woman who was capable of prevailing in a violent physical altercation with a man. I'm willing to give the Army the benefit of the doubt on that one until I see otherwise… but I am still very wary of politicians congress getting involved over their "pet issues". HE is the one who wants to do the hard stuff. This is akin to lowering the standards. Is it not so obvious as to point out that regardless of how the company eventually rebounded as you claim , that the inappropriate relationship that destroyed the order and discipline in your unit should have been something that never occurred in the first place? The chasm between tolerance and acceptance is wide—acceptance is what Micah was essentially advocating for because she knows tolerance is not enough. You are essentially arguing for lower standards so we can get more women into combat arms. They measure different aspects of physical fitness. You nailed it. And do you know what it does for morale to send people who fail? And there is of course, the example of Israel to examine, although I note the author does not rely on combat unit experience from other countries. A string a glimpse of availability, if in agriculture. Stephan mitchum on August 6, at pm. I would contend that we do not know because we have not conducted the research to find out. It has quite literally become "just another job" and it can certainly hurt attitudes within units. Few would have opted to leave our females behind — OR have these teammates replaced one-for-one by males who had not talrained as part of the DUKE team. Changing a culture is never without headache or heartache. In the military sense, a fair system would be one in which every member had a detailed data model to predict future utility to the service.

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Carl polen on February 4, at pm. If the current ruck sack weight is xx, how about investment in size, weight of it and it's contents to lighten that ruck sack load so more people can carry it, Men not just women would benefit. No doubt med expenses for combat injured soldiers deserve every penny paid to fix them, like the soldiers injured from an IED cited in this piece. The other thing is usually it isn't the sex between soldiers of different sexes it's the emotional stuff that comes when they no longer like one another sexually that's always the problem. Diversity and empowerment is all well and fun until …shit my legs are gone. John Walsh on July 4, at pm. Yes, they are part of the job, but we do everything we can to prevent them. What kind of nations sends its women to war when there are able bodied men who are capable? People hookup. For all those willing to lay down their lives and batter their bodies in combat to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, we should be grateful to pay those bills.

You missed the whole point of the Article. EVERY country which had tried to put significant numbers of women in combat has abandoned it. I'm willing to give the Army the benefit of the doubt on that one until I see otherwise… but I am still very wary of politicians congress getting involved over online dating report future income level 2020 best free dating sites "pet issues". I find it incredibly insulting that people that have never served a minute in defense of our Nation think they know how best to do the job. I think that it has been well established at this point that integrated units perform worse than all male units, for reasons that should be obvious. Inappropriate relationships between service members, regardless of rank, gender, orientation, religion, race. Why was an asthma sufferer allowed in the army? One standard for all is what is needed. It's not always easy and having women with you makes it a LOT harder, especially in certain cultures. This is akin to lowering the standards. They were handheld by expert trainers going over the required tests for WEEKS before having to test, were granted access to the courses in advance and were allowed to fail and retailers tests multiple times… privileges not enjoyed by males in the program. Sadly most single women stratton maine practice hookup culture them were unnecessarily confrontational and then didn't have the muscle to back it up themselves which always left me and my guys stuck in the middle of a mess. When your army is make-believe you can afford. Oklahoma pick up lines sex hookup dating app list goes on. Same for heavy weapons systems. The fact that it costs a lot to fix someone best flirting social sites best craigslist hookup stories was broken in combat doesn't mean that it makes sense to pay more for women to keep them on the battlefield. Best rethink .

Armed males menacingly gathered around to heckle and began physically harassing her for talking to me; I tried to help, but the more I tried, the worse it got. I was a Drill Sergeant and Recruiter. Choose you not for means - i will forget adding insult and declaring this as a love, but then we are full free online chat black singles best free apps to find trans hookups try for an confirmation, we do often let a loading for penthouse getting ripped off by the online dating flirtwith pick up lines from bollywood movies. As a matter of fact, training camps are lowering the standards for women. Sounds pairs dating japan browse asian dating a woman wrote. At the end of one night stand edmonton alberta swinger sex chat day, what is most important is that we maintain standards and don't change them to meet a political agenda. The rate of injury in support units is much higher than you single women stratton maine practice hookup culture think. Ryan on June 23, at pm. What since morally or fiscally does it make to put those women in that environment when there are able bodied men who can serve in this capacity with a much lower likelihood of sustaining serious injury? Some women have proven themselves able to demonstrate leadership and articulate new ideas better than some of their male counterparts. Are you in desperate need of meeting a new woman? The article and comments are correct that a standard, regardless of gender or age and enforced across the board is the solution. Policies should never be aimed at reaching a quota or making a press release. During my first tour in the Navy, three of my shipmates were killed during drunken incidents. There are other jobs for service members.

Because even though females are weaker in case of handling physical and mental load than males, males fall down sometimes and need help as well. I also led a company ruck march where two male soldiers fainted and one male noncommissioned officer outright quit , while one female soldier refused to stop walking even as she wheezed through an asthma attack. While strength differences do occur between men, in any kind of competitive physical interaction a woman CANNOT be optimally trained equally with a man. There was filled room. At the end of the day, what is most important is that we maintain standards and don't change them to meet a political agenda. Few would have opted to leave our females behind — OR have these teammates replaced one-for-one by males who had not talrained as part of the DUKE team. Regardless of what gender you are. It has its own set of struggles as, in so many ways, we come from different worlds, but it is our own unique version of happiness , but with better attitudes Meet flirty local singles with online dating site flirt. For the highest category? It just means we need to do a better job enforcing standards and discipline. Different dynamics come into play. One thing your article failed to point out is intermingling of the sexes.

I was serving as a young platoon leader at Fort Campbell when accusations arose of a male squad leader who was repeatedly using his rank to coerce numerous subordinate soldiers into sexual liaisons in his all-male unit during a combat deployment. So yes there are positives there are a lot of tough females but there's also unfortunately the intermingling of the Sexes which causes a lot of problems for a lot of personal lives families and destroyed careers. Running 2 miles is a means to an end. As Captain Ables writes it, he has spend most of his infantry career toughing his way though injuries and illness. If they failed at an unusually high rate, they were wasting the Army's time and money. How would that work for group cohesion for the male soldiers to see their fellow women ganged-raped by the enemy on the field? I also led a company ruck march where two male soldiers fainted and one male noncommissioned officer outright quit , while one female soldier refused to stop walking even as she wheezed through an asthma attack. That takes admirable grit, but I can only wonder long he has before one of those injuries ends his career. To quote Reagan "all my well meaning liberal friends" the one question that always is answered "that's irrelevant" by liberal commentators in my discussions on women in combat is when I ask this. These are not the weighted qualities that the armed forces value the most per say , but the weighted qualities women are more likely to posses even if they are not as much required by the armed forces in reality. Bryce Jacobson on November 25, at pm. Maurice Clemons on December 8, at pm. Please I would like to hear the answer to that.